Lightning 005 Coffee Mexico

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Lightning 005 Coffee Mexico


Lightning is proud to present its fifth limited edition run of specialty coffee roasted by good friend Chris Owens, whose resume includes being the former head roaster at Ritual Coffee, and co-founder of Handsome Coffee.

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Farm name: Triunfo Verde Cooperative
Variety: Bourbon, Caturra
Roaster name: Chris Owens

Region: Jaltenango, Chiapas / Procurement Method: Washed / Altitude: 900–1800 masl / Notes: “Sweet and Citric with Caramel, Almond and Lemon”

The farms contributing to Triunfo Verde Co-op are located in the buffer zone of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve. The biosphere is located in the highlands of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve is one of the world’s most diverse forest reserves. This reserve contains Mesoamerica’s largest continuous cloud forest, and it serves as a refuge to thousands of plant and animal species. El Triunfo is a rare and valuable sanctuary which requires continued protection. All the coffee they produce is shade-grown, and biological corridors are created in order to facilitate bird and animal migration.

Triunfo Verde Co-op comprises 346 members.

The country of Mexico has never been a player in the high-end specialty-coffee world until recently. The perception of many in the industry is that Mexican coffee is mediocre, to say the least. This is not entirely true, by any means. There is huge potential in Mexican coffee, and things will only get better.

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